for further READING
just a suggestion
on acoustics and sound...
- The Acoustical Foundations of Music
John Backus, Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc., 1977
(of high level, yet astonishingly accessible)
- The Musicians guide to acoustics
M. Campbell & C. Greated, J.M. Dent & Sons, 1987
(general introduction)
- Sounds of Music
Ch. Taylor, BBC, 1976
(general introduction)
- Einfürung in die Akustik
W. Stauder, Verlag Heinrichshofen, 1976
- Zur Akustik der Blasinstrumente
Otto Steinkopf, Verlag Moeck, 1979
(practical, quite accessible, underrated to my mind)
- Acoustical Aspects of Woodwind instruments
J.C. Nederveen, Frits Knuf, 1969
(dissertation, scientific)
- De juiste toon
Jan van de Craats, Epsilon, 2003
(mathematics of the tone system)
about Sax and the instrument...
- Adolphe Sax, sa vie, son œuvre, ses instruments de musique.
Malou Haine, éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 1980
(the biography)
- Saxophone
Günter Dullat, Verlag Dullat, 1994
(historical overview, with a lot about the German speaking countries)
- Fascination Saxophon, Der Saxophonbau auf deutschsprachigem Gebiet
Günter Dullat, 2016, published by Verien der Freunde u Förderer des Musiekinstrumeten-Museums Markneukirchen.
- Internatinale Petentschriften im Holz– und Metallblasinstrumentenbau
Saxophone 1, 1846-1973, Europe
Saxophone 2, 1916-1973, USA
Günter Dullat, published by Dullat, 1995
- Saxophone, ein Kompendium
Uwe Ladwig, 5th edition 2017, Germany
(as the title says: a compendium, not to be missed)
- In search of the Saxophone
Bryan Manning Kendall, 2022, USA
(historical overview, paying great attention to the instrument's the early history; with a chapter on acoustics)
- Adolphe Sax, his influence and legacy, a bicentinary conference
Revue Belge de Musicologie, vol. LXX, 2016
(proceedings of the conference on the occasion of Sax’s 200th anniversary)
- Die Saxophone, Beitrage zur Bau, Charakteristik u. Geschichte
Ventzke u. a., Verlag das Musikinstrument, 1979
(a general introduction in many ways; also acoustically interesting)
- 100+1 saxen
Leo van Oostrom, Peter Cox, published by Edition Sax
(a documention of his own collection together with an historical overview)
- Ma voix est un Saxophone
Ernest Ferron, International Music Diffusion, 1996
(on the repairmans handcraft and acoustics, this book also exists in an English translation)
- Saxophone Manual
Stephen Howard, published by Haynes, 2009
(very detailed on the repairmans handcraft, with an astonishing lot of pictures)
- das Saxophon
Jaap Kool, Verlag Erwin Bochinsky, 1989, facsimile of the original from 1931
(sometimes acoustically mistaken and a little outdated, which makes it even more worthwhile to read)
- The Acoustics of the Saxophone from a Phenomenological Perspective
John Edward Kelly, 2006, published by himself
(leans heavily on Jaap Kool, only available secondhand or from a library.)